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A Good News Story

Reviewing for the Exam

A Good News Story - Achievements in the making

What rocketed me to establishing my business online... My business enterprise journey...


Before doing the level 1 Business Enterprise course in September 2017 I had often toyed with the idea of having my own business, involving crafts in some way but haven't been so confident before to further it. And sometimes I held myself back, thinking I wouldn't be good enough to make it, or be able to sell enough to be so worthwhile. Also occasionally I have had a little negative feedback indicating similar things like this too, and especially when you have already had some of these thoughts of your own, somehow other people repeating it seems to only magnify the doubts you already have in yourself. But not having so much luck getting back on the working ladder, partly due to suffering with my mental health, and also struggling to sell myself at interviews, I really started thinking something like this, if I could set myself up in some way independently, it would give me the extra flexibility and balance of lifestyle I needed so began to take some of that negativity from before to turn it around, and always being able to rise to a challenge, and being determined, along with knowing I am very pro-active when it comes to trying my best to move forward be it through voluntary work or community activities, this course allowed me to really take this driving force and helped to encourage me. I thought, 'Let's go for it… what have I got to lose…?' and really put my mind to it, doing lots of extra research and preparations in order to get everything straight. I like to be organised and have things up to standard the way I like it, and am very methodical, so before jumping straight into something wanted to have things thought out properly as much as I could before selling my products. Especially thinking about my bracelet designs, I have worked out specific requirements such as accurate sizing, using guides and my own scaling to fit all individuals. I have very tiny wrists myself and find it hard to get dainty, pretty things to fit me which I like, so this was to be the beginnings of my first selling point. After this, more things started to fall into place and I worked on my name and a logo/branding. I now have a facebook page, and plan to have my own website in the future. 'Little Gems Trends' is finally being born and I am also in the process of setting up my own etsy shop. My love of creating bracelets originally started from a workshop at a well-being group so it is lovely that I can use a skill which came from one of my lower points of my life and turn it into something positive and rewarding. Back at that time, a fair few years ago, I happened to be wearing a couple of my designs and one of my friends who has always supported me, noticed and asked where I had got them from. When I said that I made them, she asked if I could make some for her nieces, I was very humbled to think someone liked something I had made that much to want to buy some as gifts, and the rest is history. To now be able to further my skills leading to setting up my own business gives much satisfaction, and really makes me feel accepted and like 'a somebody' again.


(I hope to have a regular spot at the Book Relief Shop, Mill Street, Bideford; where I can sell a few of my designs and 20% of my profits will go to this worthy cause which helps literacy projects in the UK and all over the world. I am also thinking of approaching some other local shops to display a few items too, along with doing a few craft fairs to get my name out there.)


This new venture of mine is proving to be going along in the right direction as I gradually progress, and I already have a few orders lined up, including some interest for other orders to consistently keep me going throughout the new year.


In this last year a lot of positive things have happened for me and I have gained more confidence being online savvy too, as well as gaining more marketing experience and improving on my communication skills and customer service. And without the enterprise course, none of this would have been enabled to the extent it has, and I think I have even surprised myself with some of the great response it has led me towards. I have had a lot of support and am gradually building up more networks. People have been so kind and encouraging to me, it has been lovely to see this all grow and I am very grateful for this opportunity and to everyone who has helped make this all possible.

Entry created 23rd August 2021...


Little Gems Trends has come on leaps and bounds since this story... We have now stepped away from selling pieces at the book relief shop, Bideford and are looking into going to a few craft fairs to promote ourselves a little more... As well as this more and more products are being created, including other craft projects for various occasions... Please keep supporting this lovely business ,made especially for you with tender loving care,.

Update on this story...

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