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Back story

Notebook and Pen

Established Monday 25th September 2017


Little Gems Trends – The story behind the making


Growing up in rural Devon, I always grasped the opportunities to look at the quaint little fairs and festivals, and the busyness of village life. I always enjoyed experiencing those moments, and particularly taking the time to look around the art and craft exhibitions and sales, where I had gained an interest over the years out of having artistic qualities myself. But to see what other talent and wonderful ideas were out there, showing such style, uniqueness and individuality always fascinated me; along with being able to get that great customer experience picking up and getting a real feel of the colours and textures.


Being involved in arts and crafts always seemed to run right through my life, whatever I have been doing. From an early age I always looked forward so much to school holidays where on any rainy days, my mum would sit down with me and engage with all kinds of arts and crafts; from Plaster of Paris magnets, to fimo clay brooches and iron on hama bead pictures, or the simplicity of collage pictures made from magazine cuttings or autumn leaves, or just the satisfaction from sticking pictures and photos into scrapbooks. I have the kind of mum who would take great time and care in  getting down to play, and being creative with me with such patience and encouragement. And I think I got the crafting bug as soon as I could pick up a crayon, with the artistic traits running through my family. I always remember sitting down by the fire as a little girl, watching my mum making up little knitted patterns of jumpers and cardigans for me, or her beautiful cross-stitch pictures, where I later found a love of myself, going along to an embroidery club at school in my primary years. And one of my older brothers would produce wonderful pieces of artwork of all different varieties, and even putting these ideas to good use, creating lovely little mural pictures of exotic birds and wildlife in his new family home when he moved out. So there has always been something ingrained in me; and the fun of trying out new ideas for myself never seemed to get lost, especially when through many of those years I have had the privilege to work with children, and along with rainbow coloured hands left from messy play sessions, mixing up of paints and peeling off of pva glue from fingers as well as having the imagination of knowing how to form monsters and dragons from cardboard tubes, or finding little white pieces of paper cuttings from folded snowflakes falling through your hands at Christmas; the possibilities of craft making were endless.


Career wise though as a prospect, my love of working with children always seemed quite a struggle; nevertheless, I have always enjoyed keeping a foot in the door voluntarily at various childcare settings, and have kept my hands safely on the wheel with my interest of craft too, gradually progressing from knitted scarves, greetings cards, to printing which I’ve always enjoyed coming back to now and again, and then a love of jewellery making and textile and embroidery design.


My love of beads and wire have their own story within their own right, where this has really helped me to have purpose once more out of something which could have left me in quite a dark place, struggling to really know what to do with my life and how to get back on track on the working/business ladder. But I have always been quite pro-active and not wanting to let this get to me, have powered on to do all I can do to make something happen.


After having a breakdown at the age of 18 and later being diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder, as well as Recurring Anxiety Disorder; I was left feeling a little less employable than usual, and although I have enjoyed working voluntary for a few different organisations and charities; they have all been very rewarding and I’ve gained so much experience, but I have always been waiting for the chance to finally get my moment and to feel like I really am apart of society being self-sufficient and being able to feel justified for how I am paying the bills, instead of being looked down upon from where my money is coming from. The world can be a tough place at times.


Having found my love for beads and wire, after taking part in a few workshops as part of my therapy; making dainty pretty pastel shades, or on the contrary, quite a bright array of colours in my designs, creating all kinds of patterns including symmetrical displays running through, I then found myself sitting in a local cafe in the pretty little country town of Torrington one day with my mum, and the waitress who I had grown fond of and since made a great friendship with, turned to me and asked where I had bought my bracelets, which I happened to be modelling. When I explained that it was in fact me who made them, I became slightly stunned as it took her a moment for her to take in my words. Could it really be that my designs were being accredited in such a way by someone that they thought my makes could have been previously displayed in a shop, maybe even manufactured for retail. I was very humbled, especially as she then asked, could I make some for her nieces – Christmas was coming up and she wanted my bracelets as gifts, and she was willing to pay me for them. So, we negotiated a price, and by the following week I had them there for her at the ready.


Everything then progressed from there. I have since made wonderful friends through a well-being centre, also in fact run in Torrington. Torrington seems to be one of those little places which holds quite a few lovely memories for me one way or another throughout my life and upbringing. But at this wonderful well-being centre we were always encouraged to branch out and use our creativity to just let go, so sewing machines were set up, group activities such as mosaic murals, our own individual ideas and so forth; we were free just to express in whichever way we wanted – no limits. And whilst having the use of sewing machines, once more another love of mine crept in. I had always enjoyed this subject at school so this was a great way to further my skills in this way again. Hopefully in the future I may be able to progress with these ideas too, and expand; looking into small accessory bags including felt and also cushion covers. Watch this space.


For now, I am looking to specialise in bracelets for smaller wrists. Ever since I was little I have always found it a struggle finding a pretty bracelet to fit me. I have tiny wrists and even now I find it increasingly difficult to find anything made to measure for me, so much so that I have almost given up looking altogether. But this has got me thinking – there must be more of you out there who would really love a beautifully made bracelet made perfectly to fit especially for you, and what could be better than to have someone make something for you who understands exactly what you’re going through, knowing the trouble it takes to find something just right.


Here, the ‘Little Gems Trends’ story finally begins.


From tiny wrists to coloured beads,

from seasonal gifts and charms to suit

your ‘Little Gems Trends styling needs.


Bespoke beaded bracelets made to fit especially for you.



Little Gems Trends is ever growing and developing, we're almost into our 4th year of being established, so look out for new products in the future. We are beginning to create customised pieces alongside our jewellery, for varying occasions so please watch this space.

And, not only are we still creating beautiful bespoke bracelets crafted with semiprecious gemstones, we are now creating lovely unisex leather bands suitable for one and all if you prefer something a little less delicate.


So, now we stand in 2021... What more is to come...

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