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Back Story - The Little Gems Trends Why

Notebook and Pen

Established Monday 25th September 2017


Little Gems Trends – The story behind the making


Growing up in rural Devon always gave opportunities to be creative and be inspired by arts and crafts exhibitions and fairs. And having a creative family, it flowed right through my blood. I was never far away from a paint pallet or needle and thread. Mum was brilliant at encouraging this and on a rainy day we would sit together spending quality time on our next project or sharing in tasty treats after baking.

I never quite imagined having my own business though. I'd always been used to working with children. However, this didn't quite work out in the way I may have wanted, and after having a massive breakdown at the age of 18, it seemed to make things much harder for me.

But now I can say that my breakdown was the making of me. My breakdown is in fact now my breakthrough. And my message to you all is whatever you have been through, your background, any struggles; never give up!! Follow your dreams, pursue all that you want to. You will get there, no matter what, keep fighting strong as a warrior.

Please read on if you would like the full story. Here is the Little Gems Trends why...

A Good News Story

Reviewing for the Exam

A Good News Story - Achievements in the Making

What rocketed me to establishing my business online... My business enterprise journey...

2017 was a big year for me. It was the year of great possibility and opportunity, mixed in with some room for change and maybe a little bit of chance. I moved out in the Summer from my family home after 32 years, which was amazing to help my self-awareness, self-discovery as well as my independence and be self-sufficient. And then Autumn came and I enrolled on a business enterprise course. Although a little nervous, I was excited to finally be making real steps towards my business venture. And thus, Little Gems Trends was born.

To find out more about my business enterprise journey, please click below.

© 2020 Littlegemstrends

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